Friday, January 28, 2011

Getting Sick/ Tendonitis

So I feel like im coming down with a cold or the flu, which sucks. Going to set me back a week or two and Im not too thrilled about that. I also think I have tendonitis in my left forearm which I bought a forearm strap for. I have found other exercises to keep pressure off of it.

With that said, I hit a benchmark yesterday while working out with my brother. He was doing chest and I was spotting him, I usually never have a spot when I do chest so I have using lower weights when BB benching. I figured I would give 45lb plates a try (135lbs total). I never benched until two months ago so I was lagging behind and without a spotter I was hesitant about trying heavier weights. To my surprise I was able to push 10 reps with no help. Got 7 unassisted the 2nd set, but since I wasnt doing chest that day I left it at that. It felt good to know I can finally do 45lbs plates.


  1. good job on the bench! keep going n u'll be there.

  2. Watch that tendinitis man, I have it in my knee and it sucks. Make sure to rest it plenty.

  3. Oh man, get better bro. Dont lift too heavy.

  4. aww that sucks man. i think i have labrintitis. and it sucks nuts

  5. Sorry to here that bro hope you get better soon.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. aw man that sucks.
    im rocking the patellar tendonitis

    but ain't nothing getting in the way of getting swole.
    goodluck brah.
